Africa Holiday Trips in Kenya

Successful Africa Holiday Trips in Kenya – Booking a Safari Tour

While on holiday in Africa, most travelers prefer taking a break away from the busy and noisy towns to the National Parks and game reserves. This way, they can find peace and tranquility marveling through breathtaking landscapes, wildlife and nature.

Long and Short Safari

There are long and short tour safaris, depending on the needs of the traveler. However, road trips and flight safaris are the alternative means of transport to arrive at our parks.While Africa safari could be fun, it is also advisable for one to make a firm decision as to where you would like to go, and on which possible means to use. This is because Kenya road safaris, could be long, bumpy, dusty and tiresome.

What You Should Know Before You Travel

Are you planning to visit Africa this, or the next season? Kenya is a beautiful country, very reputed worldwide for tourism and wildlife safaris. You could as well start with a Mombasa safari holiday where the ocean is blue and there is much to do. The sun shines and smiles, just waiting for you. All you need to do is ‘ Take the first and right steps.

1. Contact a recognized Kenya tour company for your safari tour booking arrangements.
2. Make sure to have the right choice of safari destination(s) and that you understand the program and safari quote. Incase there are amendments, make sure they match your plans.
3. Get to know atleast the Do’s and Dont’s, for example; while some locals may be very free talking and laughing together with you, there are some who wouldn’t like to be photographed.
4. Get to read and understand the safari terms and condition.
5. Search from recognized travel forums like Tripadvisor to see what other travelers are saying about the travel company you are about to use their services.
6. Get all you need for your entire stay in Africa. Catch the plane and fly to your magical dream of Africa holiday trip.

Going On A Safari Tour In Kenya

‘Jambo!’ – This is a Swahili greetings just as ‘Hello!’. It is mostly the first word you may get to hear on arrival at the airport as they come to meet you, with lots of African smiles. Won’t you smile back!

Short safaris are trips closer, or not very far away from the place that you reside. For example: While it is possible to make an overnight Tsavo East safari from Mombasa, it is also possible to make a day safari tour to the same park and spend the night back at your Mombasa hotel. This is because Tsavo East National Park is just about 120 kilometers away north of Mombasa Kenya.

There are air safari arrangements for trips that are far away, and the traveler opts for a more luxury safari tour to reach there. For this matter, there are air safaris packages from Mombasa to Masai Mara or even flying safari from Nairobi Kenya. It is also possible to take an adventure road safari, connecting from parks to park, town to town and villages to the Mara.

Your Driver Guides / Tour Guides

Because it is important to get direction and insight as you travel around this country, its better to be driven around. Driver guides and tour guides have a solid understanding of their country’s culture , wildlife and nature. Since you now have a traveling companion, you can help one another so that you may benefit out of your visit.

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